a new and brighter future?


Autumnal winds whistle through the trees

Tugging at leaves, loosing them into the chill, damp, air

And as they fall, they reflect the fading sun.

I watch my hopes and dreams twist and turn

Before they sink and spill onto the still, cold, earth.

As they lie before me, I see them scarred with bites and growths

While some lay blackened, sootéd from afar.

I watch them join an ever-growing pile of yesterdays,

And wonder what happened to my hopes? My dreams?

Now lying prone amidst a woodland grave.

How quick the change from bright green shoots of hope,

Forcing their way to life, eager to grow strong

And make their entrance to a sunlit world.

For a season they grew and shone.

Released their scented blossoms in all their glory

And played their part in a world of green.

Now, each leaf plays a different role.

The final scene in an eternal play.

Each of us playing our part; leaves on the tree of life.

A forest of birth, death and re-birth

Each of us thrusting into life with boundless energy

With hope, before the wings of time pluck us from the bough

And draw us down to earth to start anew.

Spawning the next troop of players to take the stage

Eager to make their mark, to change the world

To make the world a better place,

Before the winter winds tug too at them

Wresting them to their destiny.

The woodlands ebb and flow

And each year as the sun raises herself

Higher in the sky a new generation of verdant buds

Assume their place, ready to make their way

Into a new and brighter future?