A Tribble that nibbles is quintessentially cool


A Tribble that nibbles is quintessentially cool

But a Nibble that tribbles is breaking a rule

‘Cos Nibbles can nibble, and Nibbles can tribble

But only on every third Sunday of June,

For otherwise you’re in for a cacophonous tune

That will punish your ‘drums and mashup your brain

And after ten minutes you’ll be almost insane.

So beware of a Nibble, all joking and smiles,

If it tribbles you’ll need to run-off quite some miles

Or close down your ‘drums, or strangle it dead,

For Nibbles that tribble can do in your head.

A Tribble that nibbles is different indeed

A Tribble that nibbles is cute so I read

Like a truffle that melts right there on your tongue

Or a marrow that grows right up to the sun.

It’s beautiful, wonderful, tuneful and gay

It’s almost like flying for the whole of one day.

Soaring and gliding right up to the sky

Its ecstasy heaven as you start feeling high.

The moral of this poem is perfectly clear

Tribbling Nibbles need hearing with care

A nibbling Tribble can always be watched

But a tribbling Nibble can leave you quite touched.