Capricious, delicious, a matter of taste
Eat all you can; none of it waste.
It’s wholly organic, grown in red soil.
The farmers and workers till sundown they toil
To bring you the best; the best of the rest
Not only to taste, but also to test
If you can pay. For strange it to say
This trade is one-way.
Although they’re organic and nothing is added
The price you will pay is increasingly padded.
No poisonous sprays or harmful additions
Nothing but water and natural conditions.
But stop! Just a mo. What are you eating?
How do you know there’s not poisonous dung?
Or pieces of poo chocked full of maggots
Organically morphed into your carrots.
Are you sure they are safe, are you sure they’re nutritious
Or merely chimeras which make us suspicious?
Think about broccoli all the way from Peru
It may be organic but if only you knew
To fly from afar is carbon expensive,
To keep this veg coming needs transport extensive.
To drive to the port and fly over here
Needs petroleum products, and more every year.
So next time you’re faced with organic dilemmas
Think long and think hard that you’re not causing tremors
Adding to warming and locusts-a-swarming
To climatic changes and thunder-a-storming
Our oil it is finite and is on the way out
Long distance organics will be no more than nowt.