Was a helluva bitchy restaurant critic.
She travelled the world to make her reviews
Could make or breaks reps and wore Jimmy Choo shoes.
She wrote about dishes and about service
Her reviews made the owners especially nervous.
If Bella’s write up was mediocre or, God forbid, poor
It could signal the end of the road for
The restaurant in question, regardless of stars,
She could ruin a business leaving terrible scars.
Truth to be told she was one total bitch
Despite her fine clothes and accessories kitsch.
Things grew to a head one day in Roscommon
While checking a bistro serving wild salmon.
Bella was served a smoked salmon entrée
Hopeful its taste would fine words inveigh.
As more dishes arrived and plates were removed
Became clear of this meal she sure disapproved.
She started to sweat as her ire ‘twas ignited
The Chef and the waiters began to feel blighted.
At the end of the meal she began to feel ill
And grabbing her notes she asked for the bill.
The review I shall give you will finish you off
She said before collapsing and starting to cough
They rushed her to hospital as fast as they could
Unfortunately this did her no good.