Catticks and Cattoks

Catticks and cattocks play all the time

Save Tuesday and Thursday ‘tween seven and nine

For it is then that they plot to search for their roon,

Or their toon or their foon which are due here quite soon,

But not before noon, unless we assume

That sooner or later, is better than batter

Or wetter than watter, or bletter than blatter.

As you know a Cattick is prone

To pring on its fring, or to prang on its frang,

So much so that it’s friends take care to repair

All their waks and their lums

So they’ll know when they’ve floxed

They’ve mastered their sums.

To add this to that, and to add that to this

Is incredibly easy, just do it and yes

You too can add up, add down and add less.

Or simply divide or add some red dye

It’s easy to do it and fun if you try.

Catticks or Cattocks can do it with ease

While wearing blue sox right up to their knees

Sufficiently blue they don’t need one clue

To master a ged, or a jad, or a nad, or even a yad.

For it’s now that their sums must all come to be

Regardless of answers, or veracity.

So remember dear reader to always retain

The Cattick schematic right there in your brain

Remember your tunes, and especially your roons

And before you know it your own crystal bassoon

Will be playing a tune that sound like a froom

In major, not minor, and always assume

It’s the first time you’ve played it, the first time it’s heard.

So Catticks and Cattocks should please be referred

To school or to college to accumulate knowledge

Of music and sums and tiddlety-tums.

For one day, dear reader, you’re likely to need

A Catticky quote or a Cattock to read

To read you your roons or quintessential sassoons

So you know what is right, and know what is wrong

For now and forever, or is that maybe too long?

Catticks like Cattocks but not vice versa

Cattocks like marmite and like to coerce ya

Which just goes to show the very best thing is to move to one side

And make it appear you can take in your stride 

You're cool with these cats what 'er that they do

For madness is part of the humanity zoo 

For despite what they say, however they phrase it,

At the end of the day they're just Cattocks and Catticks. 

And it's always the same. Play, play, play, eat, play sleep.

Asleep on their backs, dreaming well deep.

Don’t make a noise for they’re bound you to hear

Unless you lower your voice and simply declare

Cattick and Cattock you’re my very best friend

For ever and ever, right up to the end.

If you pring on your fring or prang on your frang

You’ll always be welcome into my gang.