Covid 19 is sweeping the nation


Covid 19 is sweeping the nation

The populace in a state of frustration

Locked up in lockdown what can we do?

What news is fake, what news is true?

Keep washing hands and wear a mask

To halt the virus is now our task.

Maintain your distance, keep to your bubble,

Without isolation we could all be in trouble.

Borders closing, ‘planes parked-up on the ground,

Holidays cancelled; the effect is profound.

Nature reasserted takes centre-stage

Boardgames and jigsaws now all the rage.

A time to take stock, a life left behind

Post-virus thinking, a chance to refine

What do we value? What really matters?

As charts and statistics, us constantly batter.

As “means of production” we’re all part of a scheme

Making rich people richer, but what does this mean?

Is life getting better? More stuff and more flights.

Forgetting the value of nature’s delights.

The sound of the birds, jet engines unheard

Flora and fauna reclaiming the spaces reserved

For human endeavour and worldly expansion

Apartments and houses, villas and mansions

Supported by roads, pylons and cables

Infrastructure all of it designed to enable

Us to travel to far distanced lands

Systematically delivering profits to hands

Of entrepreneurs and vast corporations

Whose missions' not vested in helping their nations

But using the cash to build-up their targets

Selling more stuff, creating new markets.

Shareholder value and profits their locus

A global Monopoly game that is their focus.

Governments make laws to push forward their goals

But many intentions sent into black holes,

However much we rant and rail

Lobbyists ensure real changes fail.

For the sake of the planet this just can’t go on

Squandering our lifeblood, it must be wrong?

A new model is needed if we’re ALL to succeed

Providing us ALL with what we ALL need.

Food and clean water, top of the list

Health care and a future we have to insist

Must be the focus to avoid post Covid strife

If we’re to survive in post-virus life.