Demokratia, wherefore art thou?
Democracy, you were meant to set us free.
What ‘er became of your impassioned words?
Your manifestoes, your clever slogans, your lofty ideals?
Where lie they now?
Beneath a shroud of broken promises
Buried in a tomb of shattered hopes and dreams?
We had such high, high, hopes.
We placed our trust in you.
We eschewed Kings and Princes
We fought tyrants for you,
We freed the presses for you.
We died for you.
What do you give us in exchange?
Representatives suckled on, and nurtured by, the teats of power.
Using their new-found powers for the common good?
Alas, no. Fiddling expenses, nepotism, self-interest,
Aggrandisement, feeding corporate greed.
We, the demos, had such high hopes for you.
Government for the people, by the people. Really?
Which people? The people in power or the people who elected them?
Why so many questions but so few answers?
If democracy is meant to institutionalise freedom
Why do the people get such a raw deal?
Why does the planet get such a raw deal?
Democracy end of year report
Could do better, much better, room for improvement. D+