Ebenezer McCullough was a hardened alcoholic
Pouring gin upon his flakes and whisky in his tea
Breakfast over he’d adjourn
To his games he would return
All the while still drinking
And always, always thinking
Of his next dose of booze.
His mum was not amused
She stopped giving him her cash
And tried to hide his boozy stash
But alas, to no avail, the lad he just kept boozing,
He was cruising for a bruising.
She telephoned the doc to see her only son
He arrived quite promptly, at eleven thirty-one
But as he heard the doctor’s knock
Ebenezer did his bedroom lock.
All attempts to lure him out,
His ma, the doc, they came to nowt.
The lad thought alcohol ‘twas his friend
Ironically it caused his end!
They found him lying on his bed
An empty six pack by his head.
The moral of this tale is clear
There’s nothing wrong with drinking beer,
Wine, or whisky, cocktails too
Just make sure it’s not killing you.