(With great respect to Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953) – “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery”)


Edward told such dreadful lies

It made me weep and shut my eyes.

His mum, who, lived in Paris 2e

Taught little Ed to say it true

And tried to trust what Eddie said

The effort drove her to her bed,

And almost killed her, had not she

Uncovered his infirmity.

When one day it grew dark

Edward, tiring of his larks,

And seeing he was all alone,

Tipitoed towards the ‘phone

To summon help, though not required,

From ‘les Pompiers’, who put out fires.

In double time the lads arrived on station

Hundreds came, t’was quite amazing

From Montparnasse and St Denis

Appliances, there were twenty-three,

For prompt service they were well renown.

Edward’s house is burning down!

Encouraged by the gathered crowd

And inspired by cheers well loud

They set their ladders - the real McCoy

To try to rescue that little boy

Taking pains to quench the pyre

They soused the house to douse the fire

Till Eddie's mum shouted out

‘You’re not needed here about’.

Eventually she had to pay

To send the Pompiers on their way.

A fortnight or so later

Edward’s ma went to the theatre

To see a new performance of

Le Deuxième Sorcier d'Oz

She had refused to take her son

To watch this brand-new season’s run

A deprivation sound and wise

To punish him for telling lies.

That very night a fire broke out,

You should have heard young Edward shout

You should have heard him scream inside

And opening up the windows wide

Yell “aidez moi!”* into the street

(The ever-rising internal heat

Imploring him to them alert

The city Pompiers - the fire avert)

But every time he shouted “Fire!”

They simply yelled “Little Liar!”

So when, at ten, his Mum returned

Her lying son was more than burned

But brûlé jusqu'aux os”** 

Which only goes to show

The moral which this tale reveals

Lie just once, you are believed

Lie again, trust disappears

With consequences more severe.


* Help me

** Burned right to the bone