When I was one, life just begun
When I was twenty, fun was plenty
When I was thirty, became a lessee
When I was forty, life got stormy
When I was fifty, not now so nifty
When I was sixty I understood.
Life was tough; feeling helpless
Realised most folk really selfish
Much more illness much less fun.
Investments, bonds and interest rates
Insider trading, helping mates,
Lower costs and raisin’ margins
So what if many folks are starvin’?
Take advantage, make sure your kids
Are taught real well so they can follow
In your footsteps, keeping hold of all the wealth
Learn the rules, make use of stealth;
Hide your dough, avoiding taxes
Retain your wealth, life relaxes.
Earning interest while others work
'Haves' and 'have nots' keep apart,
Improve your status, harden heart,
Control your funds, go à la carte.
Learn the game. Paying tax is just for fools
Avoid the law, just bend the rules.
So what if tax avoidance it is abhorred?
Your stash is safe when it’s offshore.
With money safe you don’t need help.
That's just for proles and all their whelps.
Help’s just for those without the cash
Who've not yet learned just how to stash.
But governments now have less and less
And what they have is quite a mess.
Wasted spending, too many arms,
But now too late, it’s gone awry
For ‘special rules’ they now apply.
For wealth has moved on up the tree,
Wealthy folk they are more free.
While poorer peeps rely on aid
From governments just as taxes fade.
The power, you see, it has moved
From me and you to wealthy dudes
With corpos and the super-rich
Globalisation is such a bitch.
Pay some pros to hide your wealth
Using tax rules, law and stealth.
Move shiny profits like a raven
Into an offshore tax-free haven.
But why, oh why does it have to be like this?
Why should the 'haves' just take the piss?
Help thy neighbour, those less able
Become forgotten like long heard fable.
With systems aiding strength and power,
Cometh the time, cometh the hour.
It’s not too late to change these ways
To stop confusion, escape the maze,
As ol' Bill wrote in eighteen hundred
Our natural world it has been plundered
Life’s too much with us, late and soon
For modern life's a sordid boone.
Getting and spending lessens all our souls
Destroying hopes and dashing goals.
When economics gains the upper hand
Combined with selfishness and demand
Our future’s lost. Our lives are damned
As rich folks' accounts with cash are rammed.
If there is more to life it’s time to say
For future’s sake! Another way.