

The Furblewurble is a playful beast

Its favourite trick is mixing yeast

Flour and jam, with some mint,

Plus a secret ingredient

Into a paste, that looks like slime;

For a Furble’ this is most sublime.

Once it’s mixed, and kneaded through,

It’s more than likely to throw at you

This concoction, still uncooked,

To cover you from head to foot.

But reader dear, do not worry,

For your favour it’s trying to curry.

He wants to play, and have some fun,

So grab a load and start to run.

Take some gunge pull on that crown,

You’re King of Play, so get on down.

To Furble’land you should depart

For serious games and funky art.

A place where you, and all your friends,

Can play for days or weeks on end.

There are few rules and most of those

Ban spitting, hitting and ripping clothes.

Apart from this, and all the mess,

You can have a Furble Fest;

A party that never ever closes,

One enormous bed of roses.

Games you may play, of any kind

For you are playing in your mind

No barriers here, n’er a notice

To stop you from your playful purpose.

Stay on, or off, the beaten track

Wander here and wonder there

Let imagination transport you where,

Where ‘er you want, where ‘er you choose,

To play, to eat, to dream or snooze

The choice is yours, it’s your domain

Furblewurbleland remains

Just for you, and friends you’ve brought,

A magic place in your thoughts.