The teacher strode across the class

Today understanding GDP is our task.

Take all that’s made and all that’s sold

Goods and services’ values involved

Add the value for each nation

Is the simplest explanation.

Each year these totals they are counted

And when this is done it’s all accounted.

Everything we need to count

To reach the very correct amount.

All economic tasks once so measured

Give us a number to be cherished.

Now like conkers in the playground

Each country can compare what’s found.

Numbers up, looking good, numbers down, sound alarm

The nation’s slacking, not pulling weight

Many columns, much debate.

Sir, I have a question, his hand uplifted

Is everything we do so listed?

Does this measure take account of all endeavour?

Are all our outputs included in the measure?

Indeed, they are, its maps our growth, our very status

Each year wealth it records at its latest.

Is everything recorded sir?

All that matters to it refers.

Does it record the many things

To the table that government does bring?

Like what the teacher asked quite startled

Like police and schools, are they so marshalled?

Like all the work of NHS workers

The docs, the nurses and even shirkers?

Does it account for illegal trade

In sex and drugs to tax evade

Or monies sent to off shore banks

Where tax departments are outflanked?

Or volunteers and those providing charity?

Are all these outputs in the GDP?

Well no, not really, did the teacher say

But surely sir this is where the value lays?

No, these services are provided from out taxes

We don’t pay a bill which us relaxes.

But surely sir the youth continued

These services still need valued

If we really want to count national output

And really measure total throughput?

The teacher coughed, began to splutter

Look all you need to know it what really matters

Is economic growth is the real importance

Other stuff is mere encumbrance.

With this the student looked most crestfallen

I only asked if what it counts is real important.

Does it add in pollution costs and loss of wildlife

Poisoned rivers and social strife?

Of course not the prof retorted 

What really matters is what’s recorded.