Getting and spending we lay waste our powers


Markets - Buying, spending, consuming.

Business - "It's just business".

Teaching Economics.

Thinking Economics.

Living Economics - de facto way corporations should be organised; de facto way countries should be organised.

Wealth creation - Wealth gap.

Economic theory - "Trickle down" effect.

Real world fact - Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer.

Wealth redistribution via Government taxes - most taxes on income and consumption

"High value net wealth individuals" - hire top lawyers, tax advisors, accountants (Wealth Managers) to "manage" their portfolios

Tax avoidance - 1960's Jersey leads the way with "Offshore banking" - what's the problem with the 'onshore' banks we use?

Modus operandi in business is to maximise profit - Corporations start to 'Globalise' production to lower wage countries

Workers in developed countries lose their jobs - 'Traditional industries' (coal mining, shipbuilding, steel and car making) disappear

Goverment requirements to provide traditional public services (education; policing; fire and ambulance; health and social care; prisons) and welfare 'safety net' (unemployment benefit, housing benefits, child maintenance) sorely stretched

Concept of "Free market economics" (establish a market and provide it with goods/services in order to make a profit) extended into drug dealing; people smuggling; prostitution; car theft; online fraud - "It's only business". "Professionalising" crime. Highly profitable. No taxes paid.

Who are the victims of all of this?

It's us!

Once thinking and beliefs are set within the framework of market economics and consumption we are set to consume everthing which enables us to survive.

More importantly we are consuming what is needed for future generations will need to survive.

Air. Water. Food. Hope. The future.

It's time to stop.

It's time to change the dialogue.

It's time to accept that focusing purely on 'economic performance' is a chimera.

It's time to press the re-set button.


Getting and spending we lay waste our powers

Little we seen in nature that is ours


(The World is too much with us - William Wordsworth c. 1802)