God nil. satan one.
God spaketh to Tracey saying
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,
The beginning, the middle and the end
Of all things, from here and for all eternity.
Before you can love others
You must learn to love yourself,
For you are all my own creatures.
So, put that Curly Wurly down
And get yourself down to the gym.
Here endeth the lesson.”
From below, Satan spake to Tracey.
“Fair enough Trace, but why not finish that Curly Wurly,
Check your ‘phone and have a cup of tea with three sugars?
You know you love your cat Pumpkin, so there’s no rush.
You can do the gym tomorrow…
And tomorrow … and tomorrow.”
Tracey rubbed her temple,
Finished her Curly Wurly
And grabbing a large bar of Fruit & Nut
From her ‘Comfort bowl’ thought to herself
‘I’ll go down to the gym tomorrow’.
God nil. Satan one.