"Cold and frosty, wet and wild,
I gaze on my first and only child
Creating lands, birds and beasts
Has for me been such release
Of pent up love and emotion
Now it moves as if in slow motion.
For man has sinned; ate fruit forbidden,
Created now his fetid midden
A place of doubt, inconsistency
A world no more to do with me.
Trust is lost, and when it's gone
What is left but flesh and bone?
Each human now has just a 'span
To do their best to work and plan
At their own version of a better world
But oh! Just what has man unfurled?
Turkey twisters, the Daily Star,
CFCs, the motorcar
More pollution and more hurts
Fumes and dust and smog alerts,
Marketing and TV ads,
Promoting things and fuelling fads.
Hunger, pain, inequality
Injustice, loans, home equity.
Was he aware of what he did?
Yes, of course! He was no kid.
Hunger, thirst and warming ice
I showed to him these warnings thrice.
But did he listen, did he hear?
Not one iota did he care.
For man his path was into the void
He's such a selfish anthropoid.
There's always more he did presume
Until the lot he had consumed.
All the water, all the air
The beasts and birds did disappear.
And man? Did he stop and listen?
Did he do what he'd been bidden?
Did he hear the final bell?
Did he Gabe? He created Hell!
And once in Hell incarcerated
Was his behaviour moderated?
Not a bit, not one jot,
Still on he wittered
Though now it mattered not.
Looking for still more to gain
To market fire and death and pain.
From all of this what did result?
A lesson learned, now more adult?
No, not at all, nothing, naught,
Rien, big zero, zilch and nada
Except perhaps he should try harder."