Incas, Aztecs, Spain, they all
Had it once and could walk tall
Belgium, France, the Portuguese
All suffered from the same disease,
Explore, invade, exploit and capture
Others’ lands sent them to rapture.
“Free” land, and cheap stuff could all be had
For local folk t’was very bad.
Wealthy Brits with cash to spare
Sponsored trips to here and there.
India, their first port of call
English goods for one and all,
Biz was good, that’s for sure,
As merchants did their trips insure.
It’s business there it could endure.
With massive wealth now pouring in
The Brits at home now grew this thing
America, Ceylon, West Africa too
Joined “the club” and Empire grew.
Stealing lands and clever trading
Saw it become one powerful nation.
Free land, cheap goods, what a ride!
New merchant ventures they were inspired.
Free labour, this trade was next
Sure it left enslaved folk vexed
But plantation owners felt much glee
Buying slaves, then labour free.
Breed the slaves and more free workers
Overseers employed to whip the shirkers.
Empire logic for Brits was great
Awash with cash the next solution
Inventions; Industrial Revolution.
Steam power, trains and textile mills
Automation giving owners’ thrills
But hey, who cares if means more funds.
Business moved into a higher gear
As insatiable appetites did appear
The need for markets to sell more stuff
Despite this growth they wanted more
“Consume, consume” became the call.
Buy this, buy that, the Sirens sing
Marketing comes to sell more things.
Itchy feet, bad breath, greasy hair
We'll sell you stuff because we care.
Powered, first by coal and then by oil.
Now “Free trade” becomes the shout
“Economic Union” became the aim
Expanding markets was the game.
Focus on financial gain.
But has it worked? Just look around.
Its impact has been most profound.
Rich getting richer, rents rising every week
Inflation rising; more expensive just to eat;
Incomes which are stagnant; can’t afford to heat,
Looks very much to me, a one-way street.
Fly London-Sydney in just twenty hours
But what of lakes, trees and flowers?
Of birds and bears, fish and whales?
Have we gained or have we failed?
Is making stuff the best way forward?
is this a future we we can afford?
With starving folk who need to feed?
Consumption of the world’s resources
Our future path just reinforces.
Enough’s enough! We needs proclaim
And Nature’s hegemony reclaim.