Herr Docktor Professor Milo Von Schnappi
Finished his program and looked very happy
I’ve done it! I’ve done it, the Prof he cried out
Measuring happiness to gauge the amount.
Explain once again how it all works,
Asked his assistant, including the quirks.
The process is simple, grinned Milo Von Schnappi,
You set it all up with what makes you happy
And after you have your list written down
You score each with a number for happiness found.
So let’s make a list for you my dear Greta
Score each from a hundred and now it gets better
Each week your mark the app records
Calculating your Happiness score.
Well sir, money and clothes are top of my log
Followed by sex, and my TikTok vlog.
OK, we’ll enter the topics, now give them a score
For how much happiness to you they have bore.
Eighty; ninety; fifty, and eighty-three.
Ah ha. Let’s put them in and then we shall see.
For every week for the next six weeks
We’ll score each one for your happiness to seek.
Every Monday at half past ten Greta gave her marks
To calculate her happy chart
She won the lottery in week three
Which pushed money up to ninety-three.
But despite high scores she wasn’t happy
And in week five she said to Schnappi
Professor I think your app is flawed
I don’t feel happier despite high scores.
Ah! This is where we find the truth
For this to work you need to sleuth
Into your inner self you must go
And change your topics and maybe so
You can find a list more snappy
Of things which really make you really happy.
Instead of stuff think of feelings
Things which gives your life more meaning.
Well… I do love my cats, Greta stumbled
My garden, folks and apple crumble.
OK, we’ll shift your list and see if there’s a change
As Schnappi her happy-list re-arranged.
The weeks went by and guess what happened?
Her happiness quotient it was fattened
As she did more stuff she really liked
Her happy scores they all did spike.
Her scores went up week by week
Until by week six they’d reached a peak.
Professor you’re happy app is one great invention
The key to it is to pay attention