How the bumblebee got its name


Day six was almost ending

Say, does anything needs mending?

Said God to Uriel. Let’s see.

We’ve animals a plenty from a to zee

We’ve night and day, flowers and trees

Loads of different insects and many types of fleas

Ummm, countless flowers but wait

A very special insect I think I need to make.

To pollinate the crops, flowers and all the trees

To secure their future and of course my humans’ needs.

Whatever shall we call it Uriel said to God

Looking at the creature atop his angel’s rod.

What letters have we left? Take a look for me

A, C, D, all taken we could use another B.

Sounds good it’s such a cutey, perfect rounded bum

Complements the fuzz you’ve put around its tum.

His antennae look like horns

Such a perfect insect, most delicately formed.

We could call it bum-bull-bee, a tiny flying bull

Not so sure of that a bit of a mouthful.

I’d like to keep the “bum” if possibly we can

What about a bumbee? I have another plan.

On the ground it’s clumsy, it seems to kind of bumble.

OK, let’s just do it, God began to grumble.

If we join bee and bumble I think we have it solved

Any that is how this creature’s name it was resolved.

Hold it for a second, said Uriel to God

“Beebumble” sounds a little odd

If we switch it round I do believe we’ll have it

Let’s swop the words around just a little bit.

Uriel was pleased, as was the celestial leader

And that my dear and incredibly loyal reader

Is how that darling, humble little bee

Transformed from a Beebumble to a Bumblebee.