The father turned to face his son
Now you’re of age, you’re twenty-one
There’s something that I need to mention
I want to let you know about intention.
For when you leave the family nest
And fly the coop what will be best
Is knowing that when folk speak to you
Not all they say is correct and true.
Salesmen selling extended guarantees
Might on the surface seem you to please
Your concern that it may help you to cope
Should your product turn out broke.
When all is said and all is done
It’s not what they say or offer you
Which really matters but what ensues.
Is warranty for you or their margin?
To bring in more dosh by extras chargin’?
Most importantly what I need to mention
Is keep your wits and seek intention.
Words are words and thought are thoughts
But thoughts, by words, can be reduced to naught
Intention can be mired in words
So always question what you’ve heard.
Or merely like a desert mirage
Chimeras hide within the words
You to deceive like textual herds.
All that matters when all is said, is what is done
Never forget this my precious son.
If words match actions all’s well and good
These words are cool and understood
But if words are not matched by what is said
They’re simply sounds in your head.
Intention is what gives man hope
As with life’s path he tries to cope
With nature, tech and other men
Without intention what’s to ken?
How to know when words are spent
If what is said is really meant?
Do not be afraid to ask if words you hear
Are truly meant or spoken by a puppeteer
Using words slyly like a snake oil doc
Simply mouthed to fool and mock.
The son then spoke unto his father
Dad, if this is so I’d simply rather
People said what they mean or what they want
So we could achieve more détente.
Indeed said dad, with rheumy eyes,
But while we wait for this improvement
Can I suggest you start a movement?
So when you’re talking ‘bout things that matter
You don't let words intention batter
You let it through, say what you mean,
Allow intention to come clean.