Into the Valley of Death rode the six billion
Droughts to the right of them, floods to the left of them
Realising too late what they thought was a dream
Was anything but, a diabolical scene
Of death and destruction on a biblical scale
Globalisation had become the last nail
In Earth’s coffin, to shut down the lid
On man’s selfish actions in all that he did
When choosing a system to improve peoples’ lives
Which when it imploded was no real surprise.
Rich getting richer was good for the few
But destroying the planet so could no longer re-new
Took one step too far, killing its outlook
Finally bringing selfishness to book
When all said and done, at the end of the day,
‘Twas no real surprise if with nature you play.
What good is “progress” and all of these things
If destroying our home is all that this brings?
The future is gone, our future laid bare,
For Capital’s funeral we must now prepare.
It came. It saw. It conquered. R.I.P.