Justin woke up with a spring in his step
He was starting his job as a Sales Rep
Into his car, drove off to his calls
Justin felt good his training recalled.
Presenting, explaining, and doing his deals
Justin sold stuff with incredible zeal
By end of the month he’d made twenty odd sales
To his husband the details he proudly regaled.
Back in the office he was a man on a mission
As he worked out what he’d made on commission
Thousands he’d earned by plying his trade
But then he saw something which made him afraid
An email rescinding an order he’d taken
By external events he’d been overtaken.
The war in Ukraine pushed prices sky high
Consumers rethinking what they could buy.
The trickle of mails turned into a flow
And then ‘twas a torrent, a terrible blow.
Justin was moidered, what to do now?
When in came his boss wiping her brow
I’m sorry to say, and it’s a terrible blow,
The market has collapsed we must let you go.
Packing his stuff Justin reflected
Demand and prices were so well connected
So maybe, just maybe, a new model we need
In order our future can be made to succeed.
Justin retrained and now he’s a nurse
His economic thinking now quite reversed
He and his hubbie still struggle to live
But rather than take he’s started to give.
His job has real value and fills a big need
As from illness and hurt we all need to be freed.
Selling them stuff they want but don’t need
Is something from which we all need to be freed
If like Justin we’re not to be moidered
And our common future's not to be voided.