melina the cleaner


My friend Melina is a real cleaning maestro

Why this is so I don’t really know

But to cleaning she is a bit of a queen

If she was a man she’d be Mr Sheen.

She can polish stuff up, so you’ll see your reflection

And once she has finished it's cleaning perfection.

She washes up dishes and irons like a pro

Why this is so I don’t really know.

She dusts, and she mops all through the day

Her magic dispensing while earning her pay.

Last week we met up for a shared pot of tea

And I said to Melina is it just me

But to homecare you have an incredible skill

A cleaner for sure, but not run of the mill.

Why do you do it, cutting through grease?

Because she replied it brings me much peace.

I’ve cleaned since a girl, the house where I grew

Was messy and dirty and smelled of ol’ stew

My mum was a druggie, my dad drank all day

So, clutter and mess were always the way.

As result of my childhood, when I left home

I lived in a bedsit all on my own.

But if you could just see it, it shone like a palace

Everything sorted with real Fengshui balance

I was proud of my work ‘nd friends said to me

Would I become their cleaning lady?

Since then there’s not been a day

When cleaning and scrubbing has not brightened my way.

I love it, I love it, toilets and all

When cleaning up mess I’m Belle of the ball.

Cleaning for me is more a vocation

When washing or ironing in any location

I’m Queen of the castle, Princess of clean

It’s hard to explain, d’ya know what I mean?

At end of the day, when all’s said and done

Cleaning for me is therapy fun.

It makes me feel whole, it makes me feel valued

It makes me feel wanted, my real worth imbued.


Ever since then my approach to my crib

Has done a 180, I’m not being glib.

I clean up my home in a kind of a way

That helps me relax and at end of the day

Reminds me of Mel’s inspirational words

To clean up my life by her I’ve been spurred.

Melina’s now moved to a place in New York

We write, and we text but mainly we talk

‘Bout methods of cleaning, new ways to be tidy,

Always I’m hoping that one day I might be

As good as Melina, a real cleaning pro

A challenging target, don’t think I know.

So, if you’re all messy and can’t really be bothered

Don’t think you are bad, unclean or just horrid

Just think back on Mel’s cleaning fixation

Pick up a broom and help clean the nation.