In itself housekeeping's easy
Buy what's needed ‑ easy peasy.
Cans of beans, electric bills
Household cleaners, headache pills
But hold it! There I see some rocks,
Which if you hit can make life suck.
So what's up? There's no way to fudge it
Buying stuff eats up your budget
On their own they don't cost much
Domestic items just such and such
But together, reader dear
The effect on you is more than clear.
Bit by bit they munch your money
And your life of milk and honey
Becomes more curdled, and quite bitter,
As you become an indebted critter.
Loo rolls here and dentist there
Council tax and cutting hair.
On their own none elemental
But together oh! they'll drive you mental.
Days go by, but how to cope?
Cut out lighting? Cut out soap?
Cut out eating? Eat the cat?
Become a financial acrobat.
Changing brands may start to help
As can a tightening of your belt.
But when all is said and all is done
It's money out 'gainst money in.
Mobile 'phone bill soon arrives
More dosh out; no real surprise.
Need shampoo and printer paper,
Leccies due; an escalator.
Red bill sounds-out alarm
Seven days to pay, no more charm.
Pay up or else it's not mazel tov
Give us our money or we cut you off.
The stress and strain of everyday,
Soon mounts up and starts to play
On your mind and on your psyche,
Repossession seems more likely.
It is bad, you are no fool
Debt collection agencies are not cool
"Dear Sir" letters and polite abuse
It's court for you unless you produce.
Pay your bills as they occur
Focussed stay and you'll concur
You're on top, you're in charge
But lo! A bill and it is large.
The car is broken, it needs mending,
The dog is ill; you need more spending.
Drains get blocked, what a moment
TV blows up; no soap enjoyment
Pay for this, pay for that
Keep things balanced, in the black
Once in a while, just occasionally
Send unsigned cheques; is this just me?
Why is the path always out?
Where's money in, dosh with clout?
Buy a lotto, more money gone
Buy raffle tickets with hope forlorn.
Buy with sense, buy with care
Buy soiled goods but be aware
Use credit cards and you'll soon find
Financial woe of of a different kind.
Now you're indebted with the best
Owing cash with interest.
Banks and lenders who specialise
In selling debt and telling lies.
Buy interest free! That's just for now.
Don't pay it off and then, Oh wow!
How now does free interest seem?
Your debts increase as if a dream
Each month it's there in black and white
You spent one hundred that fateful night.
You've paid off fifty, half way there,
But what is this red writing here?
It's interest or APR
It is here your life to mar
Don't pay what it is you owe
Before you know it you'll be well low.
As debts they mount and interest rises
Are you ready for more surprises?
Your fifty now is fifty‑four
How did that happen? They've added more.
This month because the money’s tight
You umm and err and think you might
Just pay‑off the minimum charge
To help pay off your credit large.
A fiver paid sit back and relax
Pay other bills and council tax
Pay for bus pass and your gas bill
This month you've coped, that is until…
Your c.c. statement drops on the floor
You've paid them five but they want more.
You still owe over half a ton
Whenever will this bill be done?
Another fiver it goes out
Down the pub it is your shout.
Here a twenty, there a tenner
Flee your hands like Ayrton Senna
In the end it's all too much
Too much hassle, too much fuss.
Cut that plastic, rip‑up that card
Re‑start your life, it isn't hard.
Take some scissors and one deep breath
Kill that plastic; arrange its death,
That is that. It's all over.
Pay your bills, you're back in clover.
All that's left once it's gone
Is daily livings comfy song
Rob from Peter to pay Paul
Pay Peter off or not at all.
Play the game, adjust the odds
Dodge the bills and worry not
For it's a game of hide and seek
For your sanity to keep
At end of day it is so true
Like Micawber's angst so are you
Annual income of one pound
Match your spending and it's profound.
Happiness will come to you.
Despite it all your lifestyle's cool.
Spend one pound and a shilling
And you life is not worth living.
Too much stress and too much strain
Your lust for life from you will drain
As all your debtors you will hound
Your zest for life from you will bound.