My get up and go has got up and gone
My get up
and go has got up and gone
Making me
feel all woebegone.
When I was
a kid it helped me be free
Helped me
to be who I wanted to be.
Now I am
older I feel more alone
Oh! why did
it leave me feeling forlorn?
When all's said and done, at end of the day,
'Tis up to us all to figure a way
Through and around this maze we call life
Dealing with pain, the hurts and the strife.
So, I suppose, at end of the day
Just as Frank said, we do it our way.
As we grow older and life we review
Take comfort in knowing we made our way through
With scratches and scars on each of our souls,
Able to reach our ultimate goals,
Of living a lifespan of three score and ten
Wondering, perchance, if we did it again,
What differences make,
What changes we'd take.
Safe in the knowledge all life is a journey,
Whatever we've done, that ends on a gurney.