

     Four and twenty jaybirds sat upon a fence

One and twenty left, but to state in their defence,

A farmer tried to shoot them to have them for his tea

So had to settle for jaybirds only three.

The farmer wasn’t happy and said so to his wife

Which only goes to show you’re not alone with strife.


Six and forty rabbits grazed beneath the sun

Hunters came and shot them and there were thirty-one

Who never got to see their bunny families

To run, or hop, eat or sneeze

They became the haul, the old, the young all died

Taken for to bake into scrummy rabbit pies.


Three and thirty funsters jumped into the water

Where they really shoudn’t oughta

The sharks they had a meat feast

While all the bathers screamed

Before they became polenta  

And the sea turned a deep magenta.


Two and eighty soldiers marched towards the battle

Seen by the High Command as nothing more than cattle

Trudging to the charnel house, following direction,

To satisfy an order from the General to their section.

None of them returned

But lots of bits remained.


Four and fifty guests went into the club

Most of them took drugs but kept their cloakroom stubs

They danced like crazy techno nuts

Not knowing that the drugs were cut

Four and forty left, feeling really fried,

Shame about the ten from overdose who died.


Eight and twenty students filed into the room

Most of them a thinking the exam had come too soon

Half of them left early

Which shows so very clearly

That revision is a vital task

If exams you wish to pass


Four and twenty thousand starlings flying in the sky

All of them were happy until one of them did spy

A hungry falcon circling above them

Instantly the flock became a murmuration

Becoming one to save their lives

Countering the raptor, so all the birds survived.


Six and ninety teachers sitting in a hall

Listening to speakers, experts one and all

Passing on good practice; how to uprate marks;

Handle errant students and other such remarks

Six and ninety teachers reaching end of day

Thinking “Oh! my God, there must be a better way?”


One and twenty aircraft on the taxiway

Listening most carefully to what controllers say

People in the cabins looking at the time

Thinking to themselves, it really is a crime

That jets which fly at such a pace

Queue up so slowly at this place.


Three and thirty million voted

For a referendum promoted

To tell their leaders what they wanted

In a vote, unprompted.

Despite all this and ‘wrong result’

They genuinely wanted to take the UK out.