

Red and white and green and blue

Nuttups mainly fly from you,

Unless of course you’re a Nuttup mum

In which case to they’ll come.

Bringing all their Nuttup ways,

Like eating slime and milky ways,

Like hiding in each others’ ears,

Or squishing milk and squashing pears.

For Nuttups like nothing better

Than sqeabling rints and getting wetter.

They’re very childish throughout their lives

But never, ever, finish slives,

However tasty, or however many.

For slives are big and very juicy,

And many Nuttups make excuses.

The reason it is very clear,

If they eat slives they disappear.

So be warned, be armed, lock and load,

If you’re a Nuttup and a slive unfolds

Enjoy a bite or three, but carefully.

For if the plate you finish up

You too could be an ex-Nuttup.