Humpty’s star was on the wane
He only had himself to blame
Once famous and extremely rich
Life was now such a bitch.
Time had marched on
And it didn’t take long
Before everything changed
His charméd life rearranged.
Social media had been his friend
A friendship he thought would never end
Till that awful, fateful, day
A tiny rumour made its way
Onto his site. “Humpty’s name is very apt
If like me you’ve been trapped
With him alone”
Was the DM on his phone.
Ignored at first, it grew and grew,
Why this was no one knew.
Humpty grew more alarmed
As his life became ‘uncharmed’.
His followers shrank while rumour grew
And bile and spite it did accrue.
His denials fell flat
What’er he said mattered not
His likes dropped off, his profile withered.
He’d done nought when all considered.
From King of the Hill
His rep murdered by a poison pill.
To save himself he resigned the game
But not before he went insane.
The moral of this tale is clear
Ride the wave but be aware
One day you may be Cock-a-hoop
The next you’re out of the loop.
One minute you’re an SM Messiah
The next, an SM Pariah.