pandora's box


Before the web existed

Our world it was restricted

Papers, books, radio ‘nd TV

Gave us info to hear and see.

Our view of how the world should be.

What could but be said, but privately

‘Twixt friends ‘nd family, who knew us well,

Our thoughts and feelings we would tell.

A small per centage pushed the borders

Ideas and thoughts, they were well ordered.

Sure we only had a partial vision

A lot of stuff was kept well hidden

Until in nineteen ninety-two

This info wall was broken through

As modems spluttered to give us access

Allowing us our views to practice.

Sure, the net was full of horrors

Just what from this did we borrow?

Starving folk and war-torn vids

Worst of all the death of kids

All of this we could now see

No more need for BBC.

But we could always choose not to view

Self-censoring me and you.

No. The real horror of the net

Was what became its epithet.

As we posted via the channels

We became the worst of mammals.

Thumbs up, thumbs down, a smiley face,

We blithely rate the human race

And doing so what did we find?

That we could peer into the peoples’ minds,

The vitriol, cussing and the views

Outpouring there did not amuse.

Sure there was occasional mirth,

Trump’s hair re-imaged as a Smurf

But much of it was not the best

A gigantic global bitching fest.

A massive torrent of abuse

Personal attacks which served no use.

Re-posting private pics to all

Our values they began to fall.

Craving likes and thumbs up

Exposed the crazy numb-nuts

Bring back hanging; close the borders;

Jail them all; create new orders.

Overnight the platform changed

Views now completely re-arranged.

Commentary now less informed

Truths and facts became deformed

As people took on the mantle

Spewing out a slew of banter

Hard views on this, and on that.

She looks ugly; he can’t rap;

Send them home; their music’s pants

Became the daily posted rants.

What was once the pub’s preserve

Has spread itself around the world.

Each day brings more, and even more

It won’t be long I’m fairly sure

When overwhelmed by all this stuff

We’ll start to think we’ve had enough.

The rants, the insults, all increase

As peoples’ view they are released

Into the global internet

No editors their words to vet.

Free speech may be all well and good

With lofty ideals which maybe could

At end of day improve out lot

But not so much if all we’ve got

Is words and pictures leading nowhere

‘Cept to horror and despair.

Surely we can buy online

And order stuff which is real fine

But even then do we care

What happens to our data there?

‘Tis as if we’ve made a choice

The net has given us a voice

But as weasel words to it flock

Do not forget Pandora’s box.