Can it be true what I’ve read
That poetry’s now officially dead?
Gens X, Y and zee
Have no time for poetry
Sure they still want verse
But not to converse
With music it’s cool
Alone it’s a ghoul,
A ghost of the past when peeps had more time
To read and admire metre and rhyme.
Now all that has gone
Poetry’s done, it’s time to move on.
DMs and texts have taken its place
Along with emoticons, a cute little face.
Easy to say just what you mean
A key stroke, a pic, poetry lean?
Poems are old fashioned and need to be read
Unravelling their meaning does in my head
Leave them for oldies to indulge their old habits
While youngsters hop SM like eager young rabbits
Impatient to discover what’s really important
Make-up and fashion everything mordant.
No need for understanding of words
For rhymes, or just playing with verbs.
Poetry’s dead, may it long rest in peace
As Social Media is the new release
For thoughts and ideas, the next social suture
For changing folks’ minds and for changing the future.