Pyjama Llama R.I.P.
I once knew a llama who could read for an hour
Until he felt calmer; and then jump through a hoop
Or a blue plastic loop just to make sure
He was fully aware he was wearing his hair
In the style of the day; not a retro-affair.
But more than this and less than that
He was the only llama I ever did know
Who wore his pyjamas while playing in snow
When skiing or boarding, it was always the same
He’s pull on his jim-jams and start playing games.
When it got dark he’d ski faster and faster
Even although he had one leg in plaster.
He was more like a cheetah than a Peruvian mule
A bit of a speedfreak, but still pretty cool.
His favourite trick was jumping off the lift
Before the chair had reached the ground
He’d push back the bar and always found
New ways to leap from up on high.
But one day oh! reader dear, he misjudged the height
And disappeared. Until this day he’s not been found
The rescue teams have looked around.
The slopes, the piste, the bars, the town
They stood and looked and searched
From many distant panoramas
But never ever found that llama
Or a trace of his pyjamas.