If I was a mirror I would be you
You would be you but I would be too.
Squidging your nose, blinking your eyes,
Curling your tongue and flexing your thighs,
Showing your teeth or licking your lips
I would be you down to the tips
Pouting your cheeks or rubbing your nose.
I couldn’t be you however I tried
Cos’ you are all you on the inside.
Inside your head, inside your heart,
Although we’re the same we’re really apart.
You have a soul, a life and your dreams
So when you are gone I know what it means
When you stop admiring your face
Each of us leaves to go to our place.
You to your life, me to nowhere
And when you have gone you do not care.
I patiently wait for you to return
To give me the life for which I do yearn
To allow me to laugh and to cry
Do you not like something I do?
All of these thoughts race through my head
When I’m not with you I feel totally dead.
How can it be that once you are gone
I feel so alone, so woebegone?
You have a family, friends and a life
I feel like a sheath missing a knife.