Election called and ballots printed
Players to the hustings sprinted
First past the post is one whose won
Red or Blue it's always doubtful
If change will come or just more words
Trite soundbites, to soothe the herds.
For forty years to vote I've come
And looking back through lenses misty
I'm thinking, now I am less nifty,
That what is needed, not just for me
To restore justice and democracy
Should be inserted to fix this caper.
This option should be bold and clear
“None of the above” will give me cheer.
The system's broke and must be changed
Sure the marginals hold the sway
But really, at the end of day,
Do not forget for whom they work
The politicos and all their cirque.
For it us, the citizens and our country
Not just the rich or landed gentry
Red, Blue, Purple and even Yellow
Matters not, nor what they bellow
From the stage, or radio or the TV
But how life's improved for you and me.
Cleaner streets and lights not murk
Schools we're proud of, jobs and work
Help for the homeless, ill and ol' folk
It's not rocket science, it's time we woke.
Politicians work for us, if they can't be bothered
It's too damned bad for we are all dishonored.
When all is said and all is done
That life's got worse, ruder, harder
Mobile ‘phones embraced with ardour;
Sure it's great to have technology
But is life better for you and me?
Is the question which needs answered
Before democracy becomes a bastard.
And daughters who with great head start
Take the baton and assume their part
Keeping wealth, avoiding taxes
Just as public service collapses
So now what's used by the many
Becomes run-down, short of pennies.
Is well kept and interest accrue
To keep the flow of capital upward bound
As poorer folk scrabble round and round
A short term job, or zero hours
Working longer with pensions soured.
There’s so much wealth, we all agree
But how it’s spread we’ll wait and see
If voting red, or blue matters not
Are we in it to sort stuff out
Or is it this democracy’s last shout
Is it too late to make the change