say ciao to global economics


Born in decades prior

Their age now so much higher

Called-out by ‘right-on’ Hipsters

As outdated, selfish, tricksters

Who built a world of stuff

Where more is n’er enough,

Where buying and spending

There’s no happy ending.

Addicted to things,

So economies can sing

Consumptions become a habit

We’ve begun to eat our planet.

Gorging on the oil, warming up the Earth

Few of us were asking the value or the worth

Of digging up the lands, of stripping out the earth

Guzzling non renewables, till we had a dearth.

Carbon levels rising, worldwide oceans too,

Starvation for the many, Biz-jets for the few,

We knew what we were doing

What future we’re pursuing

But, just like any addict

We just can’t kick the habit.

We all could see the threats

But still with no regrets

We chose them to ignore

As ice caps they did thaw

Temps they are a risin’

Water levels climbing

Wildfires they’re a spreadin'

To Armageddon we are heading.

And what are we a doin’?

In consumption we’re still stewin’.

Billions of words, endless discourse,

Things getting better or things getting worse?

Just like an Ostrich hiding its head

We shut out the truth despite all we’ve read.

To happiness find said Mr Micawber

Spend less than you earn and it will appear

Spend more than you have, your future – despair

“We’re spending too much” must be our cry

Continue like this and the planet will die

Slow everything down, place stuff on hold,

Saving the planet needs us to be bold.

What do we need, not what do we want?

A future for all not consumerist bant.

B.O.G.O.F., Buy now pay later, Sale and Deal

Less is more we should reveal.

Say ciao to global economics

Hullo to books ‘nd children’s comics

More local stuff is what we need

Ciao to airmiles for us to feed

Berries in the summer season

Year-round stock – there’s just no reason.

All said ‘nd done we have a choice

Just carry on or use our voice

Enough’s enough! Sure we’ll miss it

To save the planet we must fix it.