Marketing's this and Marketing's that
It's vitally important 'cos of the fact
That marketing's here and without it for sure
Your sales would be less and your balance sheet dour.
For marketing's it, give the marketing nod;
You have all the answers, you're a marketing god!
Do all the research, establish the segments
Draw up some graphs, be in the ascendant.
Use jargon a plenty, like USP and density
Find out the likelihood or market propensity
For customers all to buy things in production
To spend hard‑earned cash on material seduction.
Product no good? Service is crappy?
Please do not worry we'll still make you happy
For marketing's here, like a knight on his steed
To explain and cajole and to establish a need.
A requirement for products and things that you own
For iMacs and Smart cars and cellular phones.
At the end of the day it's not what you see
But feelings are worked on to try to sway thee
That without your new shoes, your clothes or your 'phone
You're no better than nought; you are what you own.
‘Cos the judges of all this marketing morality
Is not you and me but friends and family.
How powerful is this to evoke all that you care for
To make sure that your watch is just right and you, therefore,
Rush out and buy one without 'er a thought
Of what is it that you want, but what brand you have bought?
When all of this is said and done
Just what have you got that's cost over a ton?
Purchased an icon, a style or a brand?
No, just a watch, with a face, and a some hands.
A timepiece to tell you the time of the day
Not Luis Vuitton, despite what they say.
If were the case why not a fake?
To allow you the feelings you long for to take
Your friends to admire your style and panache
Colleagues not dis it as 'bling piece of trash'.
If it were real would it would you feel much better
A Nike or Nake, what’s in a letter?
Would friends cherish it more?
Colleagues believe you're the belle of the ball?
Possibly, probably. Oh! what the hell
Authentic or fake it's so hard to tell.
But marketing goes on and on still
Creating more rifts by sweetening the pill.
Those using Fairy, those with own brands,
Those with soft digits and those with hard hands
Folk who know this are always brand‑savvy
Use Macs not PCs and are always well happy
They’re chilled and they’re cool
Play by marketing’s very own rules.
Marketing goes on and on creating myths and branded louts
Buying Dysons without a doubt
Latest Nikes with cappuccino
Wearing lifestyles like Moschino.
Swatches? No. So last season!
Macs? Yes. Don't need a reason
They must be cool ‑ this year's black
They're in the style mags, they're so laid back
Buy! Buy! Use your branded credit card
And don't forget to use your styleguard
Buy those brands, buy them all
Unless you're savvy or so secure
You don't need style props to procure.