My heart aches for you my Amerjee.
I long to hold you in my arms
To caress your manly form.
How are you, my love, my Kukajee?
I have a little pain and fever;
The kids do not stop chatting.
Have you eaten for the day?
A little my love. How I yearn for thee.
You should eat to keep your strength.
I want to consume your love.
What are you wearing my Pichouette?
Just my crimson blouse.
And is it fully fastened?
Oh no! my dear it is too warm for that.
What have you eaten my Kukajee?
Some Dahl, some Hoppers and a tea.
And tell me, do you think of me?
Always my love. I dream of you.
That you are in my arms and in my head
But most of all you’re in my bed.
What are you doing now?
Just that and this.
And in the day?
Taking kids to school,
Little shopping, keeping cool.
Amerjee, how I long for you to come to me.
It is late, Amah is ill
Must stay with her.
How shall I sleep if not with thee?
You will my dear. Just close your eyes,
Rest your head upon the pillow.
Amerjee. Come to me. Let me feel you close to me.
Together we can united be.
I cannot come and leave my ma.
Oh! Amerjee, I ache for thee.
You and me, together we should be.
Pray give your ma some tea,
Take the car and come to me.
And I will make you writhe,
As passion we embrace.
I long to see your manly face.
To feel your breath upon my neck,
To feel your manhood without check.
What can I bring you Kukajee?
Just yourself and lakhs three.
Just small monies to help to pay
For kids’ stuff, shopping, you know the way.