tax free at last 


The news is out and at long last

All our dreams had come to pass

Papers, TV, net and radio

All inform us it is so

From next year that’ll all be gone

Such good news the Tories won.

‘Tax free at last’ is the headline,

Feelings they are so sublime.

No more do we feel morose

From next year we’ll keep the gross.

In a stroke they’ve all been axed

VAT and income tax

Corporate and Council too

NI, and Car. So it was true.

Wowza! It is hard to take

Government has dropped its rake.

Wages they are all for us

Our new wealth spend as we wish.

Come next April things will change

As from taxes we’re estranged.

Excitedly folk plan their spending

Hols and cars they now are pending.

The fateful day arrives on queue

To usher in a world brand new.

Spending frenzies they abound

As untaxed wealth is spread around.

“Halleluiah!” “Thank you gov” is all that’s heard

As citizens go spend berserk.

But now the government has no cash

We start to feel a dark backlash.

Schools start charging to stay open

As by the private sector they are roped in.

Hospitals no longer free

Bloody hell I’ve cricked my knee

‘Phone to call to see my Doc

Am kept holding as charges clock

Forty pounds to see the GP

Really? It’s only to check-out my knee.

‘Cos I can’t walk straight I cannot work

I don’t get paid, feel such a twerp.

Can’t sign on, so go to bed.

Try to sleep, but with no meds.

As I lay there nursing pain

Hear a shattering window pane

People moving round my house

Dialling police I hear a voice

To book a visit isn’t hard

Give the address and your card

Once funds have cleared we’ll send a car

Assuming you don’t live too far

For otherwise more dosh is due.

Cops arrive and villains cuff

And leave me with a bill. Enough!

This isn’t what we had expected

We wanted cash AND service tendered.

How do you expect us to pay all this?

It is not right, it’s well remiss.

The cars, the hols, they disappear

As to the peeps new bills appear.

‘Cui bono?’ now is what is heard

As ordinary folk get scared.

We didn’t mean the state should shrink

And lead us all towards the brink.

Folk begin to call “Enough”

We can’t afford to pay for stuff

Even with our tax-free money

This new state is far from sunny.

Rich get richer running service

People now are really nervous.

Country now in two dividing

The new system is providing

“Haves” with money to disburse

“Have nots” with less in their purse.

Those who once were helped

Now left to fend like mongrel whelps



One year on and much has changed

As fiscal systems rearranged

Streets are filthy, roads potholed

Belts are tightened, but then behold

A new party from the murk emerges

In support their backing splurges.

The central plank of their agenda?

To bring back taxes like we remember.

Take small amounts from all the folk

And spend to help those who are broke

Homeless, ill or poor

For now we’ve learned that we are more

If we use the collective income

To help the all and not just some.

They got elected and taxes restored

In the polls they were adored

And as the taxes they came back

People realised what we lacked.

Society is all of us

It is crazy to make a fuss

‘Bout paying tax to improve out lot

By adding money to a pot

To pay for stuff that we all need

And our common future feed.