To challenge those still on the fence.
“For me, it’s freedom from the State
Passing laws which grind and grate.
More state funding from the nation.
Allow market forces run unfettered
‘Less is more’ cannot be bettered.
Lower interest rates in stages
Legislation that is business friendly
Tax incentives that are unendly
To increase our margins, targets raise
You do this and you we’ll praise.
Control of media, no restrictions,
From the state no interdictions.
All poiticos ‘business friendly’
All told it’s very elementary.
What’s more important than creating wealth
To ensure the country’s economic health
To grow our wealth and make us powerful?”
“To me that sounds just crass and awful
‘Tis true we’ve always had rich ‘nd poor
But real democracy should give us more
A chance without too much dispute
A nation’s wealth redistribute
To help the sick, old and poor
By sharing wealth, will help us more.
Make better use of all the wealth
Except for that oft hid with stealth
In offshore islands, hid from view
Which pays no tax for tiny few.
Who should decide how to slice the cake?
Those we elect should this decision make
With power to change the laws of the land
If in the pockets of a wealthy band
They dance like puppets pulled by strings
We’ve seen too oft what this show brings
That’s ‘faux democracy’ nothing real
Just five-year license to lie and steal.
One man one vote must mean more
For it to work and help us all.
Needs explanation to be heard.
It is from Greece and should be clear.
It’s meaning known from there to here
It is from “Demos” - the people’s will
Not the rich or lobbyists skilled.
Connecting votes with actions bold
Is how democracy should be sold.
Without value it’s just an empty vessel
To have any use it needs more mettle.
You needs must now vote yay or nay
Before you vote think long and hard
If you don’t want unjust charade.
Emperors, Kings, Dictators too
Promised much but all but a few
Wow, how the oppo’s face did glower.
The Moderator stood up and spoke
You’ve heard both sides, it’s time to vote
Before deciding think carefully