The Flubbertyblubberty Tree goes on holiday


The Flubbertyblubbity tree went on its hols

It took loads of lotions and plenty of potions

And also a sack full of trolls.

Where it was going to nobody knew

Save its flubberty’ mates and the Cattocks of Mew.

Flubbertys love to sit on the beach

Especially when they’re eating sliced peach

Or a quince with fried mince topped off with grince.


They feel quite at home sitting alone,

And settle right down for a snooze on their crown.

A flubberty’s crown is a sight for sore eyes,

Bigger than Texas, which is quite a surprise.

Nevertheless after its kip

A flubbertyblubberty will always surmise

That sleeping and eating are both very wise.


Flubberty’s habits can be awfully uncouth

Mixing lager and orange with jam and vermouth

But given their fondness for everything sweet

It’s not so surprising they taste with their feet

They wiggle and squiggle as you may know

Before tasting their food on their tippie-toe.


For hundreds of years they’ve looked for adventures

Sought out things ribald like playful backbenchers.

To sparkly things they’re particularly partial

Like zircons and zorcons which they like to marshal

Into straight lines and mountains of jewels

They’re canny those Flubs, they’re nobody’s fools.


But most of all when they’re on hol

They like de-stressing with a small lol

A tiny creature with only three toes

Why this is nobody knows.

They seem to get on like talkative birds,

They don’t grate on themselves or even their nerves.

They just giggle and chat, and genially talk

‘Bout butter and blag and they do love to gawk

At Smidgins and Craal at Pigeons and Vawl

After they chat they do nothing at all

Save gaze at the stars and planets above

Thinking nice thoughts and all of that stuff.

They’re as happy as Larry

As if they were married

Which is nice when you think it

They’re enchantedly linkéd.