the funny bunny


The funny bunny

Was always happy.

If you were to ask me why

She never cried

Or was sad or felt unhappy

‘Twas because her mum and pappi

Always taught her that she should

Believe not in bad but in good.

Thinking thus taught that bun,

If you take us one by one,

And add up all the things we are

You will see we can go far

Focus on the here and now

Enables us to allow

Our lives improve

Smooth its wrinkles and to prove

Not worrying, but rather whether

We, our lives can live together

Helping others, when we can,

So, no one is an also ran.

This allowed that little bun

To enjoy each day and have much fun.

Playing with her many friends

That happy bun could now depend

On happiness to be her pal

With cats and dogs and even owls.

For all who knew that little kit

Knew their lives would, bit by bit,

Be enhanced each time they laughed

Or player or talked or had a lark.

Throughout her life this was the way

She lived her life day by day.

As she grew old and more infirm

To this adage she stayed firm

So all her kids and their kids too

Knew that if they to fun stayed true

Could lead their lives

And happiness would thrive

All through the sad days, when things looked bleak

They all still knew that they could sneak

A glimpse of happiness behind it all

With a laugh, a hug or favoured doll.

And this was why, when she died,

Her friends and family, though they cried,

Shed tears of joy, not of grief

In happiness they had belief.

As the final words were said

To the wake the guests did head

And do you know, that final day

Showed them that, although she’d passed

She’d left a signpost to a path

To a place where you and me

Can a little happier be.

So, mop that tear and raise your glass

Let us toast happiness, long may it last.

Laughing, jokes and much more smiling

When said and done is more beguiling

For all of us to make our way

Bring happiness into every day.

Make this your goal from this day on

To celebrate that happy bun.