The Lie Detector


Just one more drop and I'll be done

The potion's ready for some fun.

The formula was now complete

Ready for trials upon the street.

Production finished, now the test

Of my new lie drug 'gainst all the rest.

The truth has us for years eluded

Covered up by those deluded

With their own ideas and cunning plans

To hide the truth with clever scams.

But now the boot was on the other foot

The serum would this world caput.

Just three drops should do the trick

Releasing truth and real quick.


The first to try a lawyer gnarled

Into his glass the phial was poured.

So tell me sir what is the law and how it works?

I said to him with a slight smirk.

The law is made by those in power 

To give them comfort like a bower

A place of safety from the throng

Who by the law will be proved wrong,

To keep them in their place

To dominate the human race.

The poorly educated, simple man

Has no choice he's an also ran

For even if a lawyer he engages

Both sides will work to keep for ages 

Cases working through the courts

Showing off their legal thoughts,

While always charging by the hour

So both the parties will end up dour.

Sure the winner's always happy 

But at the end he's still a lackey,

Of a system nice and pure,

Where lawyers always win for sure.

Win or lose they make their fees

By bringing people to their knees.

Disbursements and the hourly rates

Spread all around between their mates.

This is how the law is done.

When all is said it's lots of fun.

The law is seen above reproach

Strange when fees are what we poach.


The next to take the new found liquid

Politician whose views had shifted

From one side today to something new

For winning votes is quite a coup.

Tell me sir how it all works,

The votes, the laws the many quirks?]

Is it really just the perks?

Well it's really simple as you can see

I join a party and you vote for me.

Because in most of the constituencies

It matters not if you agree.

My path to power is well trodden

The system works to get our squad in.

Once in power the real game starts

Never mind 'bout breaking hearts.

We seek power and all that comes

From making laws to please our chums.

The people matter not one jot

What really counts is making lots,

Expenses and directorships

Bring in the dosh and foreign trips.

Consultancy helps bring in the pennies 

Helping some, but not the many.

It's really good for the few 

But keep this strictly 'entre nous'.


The last to take the brand new potion

A pilot used to flying oceans.

Tell me sir what does involve to be a captain,

Flying far and trained for action?

Well, first the training, loads of mullah

It's hard work but so much cooler

When your wings pinned on,

Uniform pressed, you look tres bonne.

The money trail you now can join

Each time you fly you're earning coin.

With salary and the flight pay

You are finally on your way

To a job with real high status

Now's the time you've really made it.

Unlike most just normal proles

The golden stripes assure your role

As cap'n, skip, or even Sky God

And raises you above the mob,

Who pay the wages, but do we care?

Hell no! We have time to spare.

Not asked to fly on every day

With seniority you get your way

Choosing flights to places new

And always making sure the crew

Understand that in a crisis

You'll sort things out  just like this.

Sure it hardly ever happens,

But while we wait in holding patterns,

We know that one and all

Understand that we control

The destiny of their flight

In the day and through the night.

Sure we are absurdly paid

But gain those wings and you are made. 

Because strictly between you and me

Our hourly rate's quite high you see.

Our time off gives time to rest

To run our biz as we see best

Our antique shop to build and plan

Or visit to our flat in Cannes.


With that the testing it was ended

What I'd turned up seemed all upended.

The formula had done its task

The truth appeared as if unmasked.

But what I found left me despaired

Could this new truth be repaired?

And so my sanity to protect,

My reputation not to be wrecked,

I took the formula and destroyed it all

The world goes on just as before. 

The world divides into two parts

The two are difficult to tell apart

'Cept haves have a certain va va voom

Have nots however must live in gloom

Without the drive, without the rigour

It's had to live with constant vigour.

Planting flowers and stroking pets

Give slight release but really let's

Be honest here and now

The haves have it, so take a bow.

Your family home and education

Gives the haves more inclination

To push much harder, aim much higher

Lawyers, MPs and the flyer

All take it all in their stride 

Build their status, build their pride.

'Twas always thus my grandma said

As she lay dying in her bed

The way to cope, the way to view it

Is take deep breaths and just admit

For those with voom the sky's the limit

At end of day it's just kismet.