Emerging from a wondrous paddock
Was seen a smiley purple Haddock
With flashing gills and floating hair
But lo, behold its friendly visage
I’m here, it said, to grant three wishes.
Your future could be more propitious.
I have to say I was well surprised
This you will I’m sure surmise
For purple Haddocks aren’t often seen
They’re one rare life form is what I mean.
But offered up piscatorial chance
My brain began to sing and dance.
Three wishes? Any three you say?
And you will make them come my way?
That is true, that is the case
What er’ you want is yours to face.
A million pounds, a riding vest?
Ten years younger or world peace?
An ideas fountain my head released.
Be careful what you ask for the wily fish did chuckle
Last chap I asked drown’d in velvet honeysuckle.
Before I knew just what I’d said
I blurted out, could I instead
Have everyone to live for ever,
Prepare to meet your great grandson,
His dad, his dad, and on and on,
Till earth got full, the future gone.
Wish number two was happiness eternal
Which soon became quite infernal
Without the sad and no bad thoughts
Life too soon was very fraught.
No more strife no hills to climb
The boredom it was mortifying.
Just one more wish left to make
Must get it right for goodness’ sake
To make things right, to ask this fish?
Then like a lightning bolt from up on high
My third wish was my final call
It mustn’t waste, but clean up all.
The most important thing under the sun
Is my first two wishes be undone.
And in a puff of rainbow light
The haddock turned and said alright
If that’s what you want, then it shall be
For now, you’ve had your wishes three.
And d’ya know just what I learned?
Wishing’s hard to not be burned.
From that day forth and evermore
Whenever tired or feeling sore
I think on back to that magic day
When I learned to find my way.
So if that fish it comes to you
Make sure you look behind the mask
For what’s up front’s not always blessed
Less can be more to find what's best.