The rain in Amman falls mainly on your arm
The rain in Belize falls mainly on the streets
The rain in Cayenne falls mainly on men
The rain in Douala falls mainly on the harbour
The rain in Entebbe can be terribly heavy
The rain in Finland falls mainly inland
The rain in Guyana falls mainly with ardour
The rain in Haidun falls mainly ’bout noon
The rain in Ibenga falls mainly in December
The rain in Jervis Bay falls mainly everyday
The rain in Kelheim falls mainly in lines
The rain in Los Angeles falls mainly on the trees
The rain in Malta falls mainly where it oughta
The rain in Nantucket falls mainly in buckets
The rain in Ocean Park falls mainly when it’s dark
The rain in Penzance falls mainly on your pants
The rain in Quebec falls mainly on your neck
The rain in Rangoon falls mainly on the lagoon
The rain in Toulouse falls mainly on your shoes
The rain in Ugale falls mainly round three
The rain in Vladivostok could wash your socks off
The rain in Waitoa falls mainly where it’s lower
The rain in Xiaogang falls mainly on the land
The rain in Yamada mainly falls on you much harder
The rain in Zagreb falls mainly on your head.