Drinking water mixed with yeast
Can switch them from a happy mate
Their ears prick up, they bare their teeth,
You wouldn’t want to come to grief
As they may charge at any time
And woe betide if you’re in line.
My advice to you is stare him down
Hold your stance, don’t move around.
Keep very still, don’t move a muscle
If with him you don’t wish to tussle.
Keep your cool, don’t lose your nerve
But just in case, keep in reserve
A plan to dodge that mighty brute
Jump swiftly to your left or right
Make sure you leap with all your might.
Hold your breath and watch his eyes
His speed to you might well surprise.
Just as he charges you to flatten
Once you are safe, check your bits
You never know if you’ve been hit.
Now you can boast and tell your mates
A drunken Rhino charged you down,
But you escaped. You’ll be renown.
Your fame will rise – it’s no flimflam.
When people ask how was your hol?