The Truthsayers lived deep underground
And raised their kids with agile minds
They taught much stuff, too much to mention,
But most of all about intention.
They showed their kids just how to listen
To what was said with true precision.
Although they heard the words folks spoke
They could see behind the cloak
The words they heard were like mirage
But they could see behind the image
For they decoded true intentions
Although not in the words were mentioned.
This allowed the tribe to translate
Good sounding words detecting hate
As true intention they could see.
Their special skill garnered much attention
And soon became the fourth dimension.
When people spoke face to face
They hired folk from this race
To check if what was said in words
Was well said or verbal turds.
This placed those in power in a quandary
As true intentions they were freed.
To obfuscate or tell porky pies
Just in case the ‘sayers exposed their lies
And their weasel words were overheard
And threatened to expose the truth.
They became intention sleuths.
Their lies and bluster must be disposed.
The world became a better place
The ‘sayers saved the human race.
Now when speaking folk had to say
Just what they meant if they were to sway
A business deal or an election.
Relationships became more honest
And people did what they had promised.