Another bombing and more deaths
More consternation and deep breaths
The news is awful, it’s getting worse
As evil does its plan rehearse.
We’re shocked, our senses traumatised
We tweet our thoughts, all analysed.
We voice our views, our latest stance,
And still we do ‘our take’ advance.
Another day, more news it comes.
More attacks, more bombs, more hurt
And now again our feelings blurt.
For it’s not good, it is well bad
The world’s not sound, it’s really sad.
A new day dawns and still more bad news
Our sensibilities are all confused
I’ve tweeted views and comments too
But still the badness lava spews,
The dreadful news to make us fret.
A week goes by and now a month
It all become a black news funk.
Nothing’s changing there’s still bad news
And people tweeting with their views.
But where’s the change we’ve so much wished for?
Just more bad news and comments wishful.
But not much is changing sad to say
Small child murdered, she was a blonde
Just three years old. Onto Facebook with my comments
It’s not right, it’s all so wrong
But still more badness all day long?
But no real change, just same ol’ old.
What’s the point, I’m getting tired
With all this stuff my mind is mired.
Two years have passed, I can’t remember
Was Paris bombed last December?
It’s like a catwalk through all that’s bad
Each day more news, mainly sad.
A bad news travelator that’s gone awry.
A decade now or more has passed
Same old news same questions asked.
As news assumes a new disguise.
Not sure now of what I’ve seen,
False ol’ chestnut us to deceive
To make us think, or just believe
Some made up half assed tattle
Our sensibilities to shake and rattle?
Phew! It’s really hard to understand
Now what is true and not pre-planned
To make us think that all is wrong
Our thoughts befuddle with ‘facts’ just wrong.
Now read the news and use ‘fact’ checkers
Are these real facts or just mind wreckers?
My life is ending, it’s almost time.
But bad news’ stories they still do chime.
How can this be? For years and years
I’ve typed my views and voiced my fears
Given serious thought nd’ interpretation
To move this badness to extirpation.
But somehow it was all for naught,
What I said and what I thought.
Decades wasted reading stories
Tweeting comments, likes and views
A lifetime wasted, now confused.
For views and comments they are a thing
But said nd done what real changes did they bring?
So much time and energy I spent to ‘put things right’
To tell the truth to fight the fight.
But lo, as time it draws me on towards life’s end
Was time well spent from badness me to defend
Or merely like a giant chimera
Where views and comments are just that
Expecting them to work fell flat
For nothing really, they did change
Save all my hopes to estrange.