Weasel words


Tell me, why I should talk with you

If from lies you take your queue.

What’s the point of even listenin’

If intention’s not there for witnessin'

If it is so, not one word matters

All you do is ears enbatter.

If you set out me to deceive

How can I your words believe?

What 'er you say, however loud,

Are merely words like passing clouds

Which disappear when said and done

Like dewdrops in the midday sun.

Untruths, deceits, misleading ways

From your mouth and what you say’s

Like musak or a mystic chant

Just sounds, but nought like useless cant.

When will we learn to say what we mean

Rather than our thoughts dry clean

With clever words and well planned phrases

Which our intention just erases.

On the news or in a speech

Placing truth out of reach.

For this the political elite

Use words to make the news sound sweet.

We believe, cos if we don’t

We end up more savant.

Thinking what is really meant

Our brains confused like wet cement.

Journalists try to force out the “truth”

Probing questions, a different route.

But when all is said and all is done

Intention stays and words just run,

Amok, away, awry and far

Like drunkards shouting at the bar.

The whole charade a comic piece

Like baby talk with your new niece.

Blubber, joke and funny sounds,

No inspiration there to be found.

No real meaning, simply words

Better p’raps  talk to the birds.

So next time someone says to you

Listen to my point of view

Ask yourself is this for real

Or same ol’, same ol’ tired ol' spiel?

Now hear clearly what is said

Or has intention really fled,

Covered in verbiage and pretty words

Just think of what you've really heard.

Or should you, like a croc, jus' smile

While your mind runs off a mile

To finer things and happy thoughts

By weasel words do not be caught.