I placed my online order expectantly
Which arrived next day incredibly.
A thought arose which said to me
Is speeding up what’s meant to be?
A faster world, a modern curse
From rampant online advertisements
Based on what I’ve previous spent.
The machinery seems to understand
All about my psyche, but also underhand.
Unlike a shop where products sit
Brightly coloured, brightly lit,
Tempting me as aisles I cruise
What I buy I still can choose.
But online seems a different space
The worldwide store, a scary place.
Taking retail to another level
As if it knows what I’ll buy before I do!
Does this feeling ever come to you?
Shopping has been supercharged
Retail sales are most enlarged
Join forces to craft decisions
As online life I begin to ponder
Will these forces start to wander
Beyond retail and making money
And begin to alter what we think and what we do
A place where truth just disappears
And now is based on what you see and hear.
Truth dismantled like a rusting hulk
As “online truth” arrives in bulk.
Sure fact checkers offer us some help
But still “real truths” become a whelp.
Algos determine what we hear and see.
It 's now starting to be clearer,
Be prepared to enter Mirage World
Around which the flag of “online truth” is furled.
God help us as we blindly march
Into this world where truths besmirched.
So take a breath before you press that key
Adieu “real truths”, we’re much less free.
Hopefully someone will design a fix
Until then, welcome to the Matrix.