What if an Armadillo snuck beneath your pillow?
Would you try to tempt him out?
Or would you simply cry and shout?
And you could only see his feet?
Are you sure what your proposing
Would persuade him to leave his bed?
Maybe it would just poke out its head
To investigate the new commotion
If indeed t’was stirred to motion.
For when they find a hidey-hole
They’re kinda like an armoured Mole
They love the dark, and the warm,
In a place that's safe from harm.
But if they choose to stand their ground
A subtler method must be found.
So start to sing and by and by
T’wont be long before he twitches
For gentle music him bewitches.
Armadillos love a soothing song
Before it shakes its head and licks its paws
And moves towards the song adored
Bringing to mind the tunes his mum sung
From when he was born to almost one.
And just before you climb into bed
Start to sing what’s in your head.
And if perchance your bed is shared
He’ll make his way onto your pillow
His nose and whiskers all a quiver